Santa's big red sack of presents with Merry Christmas on the bag. .GIF file transparent. |

Christmas gifts wrapped with candy canes and holly. |

Open sack of toys, presents and musical instruments. .Gif file transparent. |

Animated puppy in a gift box. |

Christmas present with ornaments and ribbon. |

Reindeer pulling sleigh filled with presents animation. |

A girl with her arms full of Christmas presents. |

Hand over my present?
( squirt gun ) |

A very excited boy and his Christmas present. |

A wise man bearing a gift. |

An elf with a sack full of presents. |

Red sack of toys including a teddy bear, dolls and other presents. .GIF file transparent. |

Beautiful gift boxes for Christmas. |

Christmas cats singing animation. |

Happy Holidays with balloons and animation. |

Christmas present with green ribbon - PNG. |

Santa's sleigh loaded with presents with reindeer and Merry Christmas. |

Wrapped Christmas presents with bows. |

Our favorite Christmas present, a puppy! |

Santa Claus in his sleigh full of presents being pulled by a reindeer. By the look of him, it could be Rudolph.

Santa Claus, teddy bear and Christmas gifts. |

Getting a bear for Christmas. |

Christmas bear with a sack full of presents. |

Family opening gifts with Merry Christmas. |

Who's getting a puppy for Christmas? |

Santa and his special present. |

Christmas present that clearly has something moving inside. |

A kitten with a bow and candy cane. |

Santa with his sack of toys plus a special present just for you. |

Santa with sacks of toys for good little girls and boys. |

Christmas present in bright colored box with large green bow. GIF file transparent. |

An animated Christmas present. Wow, it's one of Santa's helpers. |

Christmas gifts with glitter animation. |

What do you want for Christmas? Santa! |

Gifts including drums, teddy bears with Merry Christmas below sack. JPEG file with perspective shadow. |

A Christmas present jumping up and down. I wonder what is inside? |

Santa Claus with two little Angels and lots of holly. Everyone looks like they are having fun. |

Christmas gifts wrapped in red with gold ribbon plus a Santa hat and ornaments. |

Christmas stocking full of gifts including dolls and candy canes. JPEG file with shadow. |

Wrapped Christmas Gifts with Merry Christmas. |

So many presents you can barely see the Christmas tree. Someone has been very good this year. |